Medical malpractice
The High-Stakes Risks Associated with Anti-Aging Surgeries

The digital age has influenced every aspect of life, maintaining significant power over pop culture. With the rise of social media models and influencers, thousands of people have flocked to plastic surgeons in search of the Instagram-perfect look. With facial fillers, breast augmentation, liposuction, and the sought-after Brazilian butt lift, people with the funds can now create and mold themselves into their own vision of perfection; however, it can come at a great cost.
Popular Anti-Aging Procedures
Due to advancements in technology and pop culture trends, plastic surgery options have evolved to meet the needs of modern patients. Cosmetic procedures have come a long way from standard breast augmentation and rhinoplasty. Patients today have a plethora of procedures available to address anti-aging and body image concerns; among the most popular include:
Abdominoplasty is commonly referred to as a “tummy tuck.” This procedure addresses the lower abdomen, which can be a problem area for the majority of people. During an abdominoplasty, the lower abdomen is cut and excess fat and skin are removed. Serious nerve, muscle, and organ damage can occur if a surgeon makes even the smallest error.
A facelift or rhytidectomy is a cosmetic procedure designed to present a more youthful look through removing excess facial skin. Facelifts are complex procedures that can result in serious nerve damage and infection. Because of the sensitivity of the procedure, facelifts are only recommended for individuals 80 years old and younger. Because facelifts are common among older patients there is a great risk for anesthesia error such as coma. Other associated include permanent nerve damage, deep vain thrombosis and cardiac and pulmonary complications.
Blepharoplasty removes excess fat and skin under the eyes. As individuals grow, the sensitive skin around their eyes tends to sag and settle. Many patients seeking a bright-eyed, youthful look will opt to have their “eye bags” removed.
Lip Injections
Lip injections and augmentation are for patients seeking fuller lips free of wrinkles through implants or fillers. While injections may seem less harmful than procedures that require general anesthesia, they can still be dangerous to patients if unapproved gels or other materials are being used.
Brazilian Butt Lift
The Brazilian butt lift takes fat from other parts of a patient’s body and injects it into the buttocks to create a fuller look. This requires liposuction of fat from the hip, abdomen, thighs, and other areas of the body; and thus, butt lifts can result in major complications, including fat embolism and blood clots.
Common Complications
Most procedures and surgeries carry a risk of illness or injury. While plastic surgery is more common today than ever before, high risk factors remain. Patients may assume common procedures like breast augmentation are free of risk. Unfortunately, this was not true for the many victims of botched plastic surgery. Common medical malpractice associated with anti-aging procedures and plastic surgery include the following:
Nerve Damage
The face and lips are sensitive and have thousands upon thousands of nerves. Facial fillers, implants, and lip injections have only continued to increase in popularity in recent years. Depending on the placement of the injection and/or materials being used, nerve damage is possible. Nerve damage could include the permanent loss of feeling or movement in the lips or face.
Implant Rupture or Movement
Implants are common and dangerous. Because implants are a foreign object, the body’s natural reaction is to defend and reject them, making post-operative procedures monitoring a body’s reaction to an implant imperative for patient safety. If not properly implanted and cared for, an implant can cause major complications. In addition to infection, implants can rupture or shift out of place when not properly placed or uncertified materials are used. Implants can also easily be ruptured or punctured by medical tools during an operation. If this occurs and the physician does not remove the affected implant, the consequences can be fatal.
Since most anti-aging procedures take place in a medical facility of some type, MRSA infections – such as Staphylococcus or “Staph” – can be highly contagious, complicated, and deadly. When needles are not properly disposed of and are used on multiple patients and if surgical and medical tools are not properly sanitized and/or disposed of, infections can occur.
Philadelphia Malpractice Attorneys
All surgeries carry risk, but if surgical errors occur, patients have a right to seek compensation for their injuries. Irresponsible surgeons should not be allowed to practice on patients who trust them. If you or are loved one was seriously injured or killed as a result of a botched anti-aging or plastic surgery, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Contact the Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers of Lopez McHugh today for your free case consultation.