Lopez McHugh

Elder Abuse

Philadelphia Elder Abuse Attorney

What Is Elder Abuse?

As people grow older, they tend to rely more on others to help them with day-to-day living. This, unfortunately, increases the chances they will be mistreated or taken advantage of by someone they believe is helping them. Elder abuse occurs when a person harms or neglects a person in their care who is over a certain age. According to a study from the National Center on Elder Abuse, “between 1 and 2 million Americans age 65 or older have been injured, exploited, or otherwise mistreated by someone on whom they depended for care or protection.” Abusers can include doctors, nurses, home health workers, or others and their actions can take place at home, the home of a family member, or in an assisted living or nursing facility. As disturbing as this is, only one in 14 incidents are reported to the proper authorities.

Many elderly people who have been abused live in fear or may be too proud or embarrassed to speak up about it. Learning the signs of elder abuse and being ready to advocate for your family member is vital to protecting them from greater harm. If someone you love has been victimized, contact a Philadelphia elder abuse attorney for help.

Types of Elder Abuse

There are many forms of elder abuse, which can include the following:

Lopez McHugh LLP: Philadelphia Elder Abuse Attorneys

It is horrible to see your loves ones abused in any way. If you suspect someone you care about is being subjected to any form of elder abuse, it is important to act immediately. This is essential in stopping the abuse and in collecting any evidence. First, try to privately talk to the loved one you suspect may be being abused. You can express that you think something may be wrong and you want to help. If they avoid the questions or get upset, they may be being abused. If you are able to, place hidden monitoring devices in their room to catch the abuse and have video evidence. It is also important to contact the authorities in order to fill out a report and begin an investigation into the abuse.

If someone you love, your parent, grandparent, or other elderly relative has been the victim of elder abuse in Philadelphia, contact our office immediately to discuss your options at no cost. Time limitations apply to any potential claims, so call us today to protect your loved one.

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