Nursing home abuse
Granny Cams Spurring Controversy In Nursing Homes
Nursing home abuse is a tragic situation and unfortunately it happens all too often. This has caused some families of suspected nursing home abuse victims to take matters into their own hands. Calling them “granny cams,” people are installing hidden surveillance cameras in nursing homes to keep an eye on their loved ones and record any abuses. While some states are actually encouraging the use of “granny cams,” others are considering legislation that would restrict usage. With differing opinions of “granny cams,” many are left wondering if the devices can actually deter nursing home abuse.
Among the states against the use of “granny cams” is Minnesota, which is working to regulate the use of surveillance in nursing home facilities. Minnesota legislators are concerned the devices are an invasion of privacy on behalf of the resident, who is often unable to turn surveillance on and off when they see fit. There are also concerns residents whose families utilize surveillance cameras could suffer retaliation from nursing home staff.
However, proponents of “granny cams” feel they are the only way to ensure a nursing home facility provides quality care. In several high profile cases over the past year, nursing home staffers have been arrested after hidden surveillance revealed them assaulting residents.
Some states have taken a neutral stance on surveillance, only requiring family members to get the resident’s consent and/or notifying the nursing home. However, the state of New Jersey has taken a monumental leap toward nursing home abuse reform by actually providing free surveillance cameras. The New Jersey Office of the Attorney General will give surveillance cameras to anyone who suspects nursing home abuse is occurring to their loved one.
What To Do If You Suspect Elder Abuse
People who install surveillance cameras to ensure their loved ones aren’t suffering nursing home abuse have the best intentions, but if you suspect nursing home abuse is occurring, the absolute best thing to do is immediately contact an attorney. Determining whether or not nursing home abuse is occurring will require a thorough investigation. Partnering with an experienced nursing home abuse lawyer can put a stop to the abuse while an investigation takes place.
Lopez McHugh: Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers
Our loved ones deserve to receive the highest standards of care. If you suspect your loved on is suffering abuse at a Philadelphia nursing home, call the trial lawyers at Lopez McHugh LLP today to put a stop to the abuse and to schedule a free consultation with one of our nursing home abuse lawyers.