Lopez McHugh

Wrongful Death

Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Lawyer

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful thing that can happen to a person. When a death occurs due to the negligent actions or wrongdoings of another, the pain experienced with such a senseless and preventable death is felt tenfold. It is an unfortunate reality that every year thousands of families will experience such hurt. The Journal of Patient Safety estimates that anywhere from 210,000 to 400,000 people a year are the victims of wrongful death at the hands of a hospital.

Patients who trust physicians, nurses, anesthesiologists, and other hospital staff have been betrayed by medical errors, prescription medication errors, anesthesia errors, and surgical malpractice, among other forms of medical malpractice. After tragedy occurs, families and loved ones of wrongful death victims are left with unanswered questions, and because all medical treatment comes with some amount of risk, survivors might be unsure whether their loved one’s death was preventable or could be considered wrongful.

What is Wrongful Death?

Pennsylvania defines wrongful death as one caused by the neglectful or unlawful actions of another person. When someone is killed due to gross negligence or wrongful acts at the hands of another party or parties, those actions can become basis for a wrongful death lawsuit. In a medical malpractice context, this type of lawsuit is filed on behalf of designated family members of the victim against any medical personnel and/or facilities that were negligent or incompetent in treating the patient such that their care led to their passing. Wrongful death beneficiaries are defined under Pennsylvania law as the spouse, children, or parents of the deceased. If none of these named persons is eligible or available to recover damages on behalf of the wrongful death victim, then a personal representative of the deceased may bring the action.

Medical personnel are rightfully regarded as some of the most trustworthy and careful professionals due to the nature of their work – healing. When patients receive inadequate/or harmful care, the medical professionals who provided such care have failed their duty to provide quality and proper care to patients. These medical professionals should be held accountable for their actions so that future patients are not harmed and so the loved ones of victims can begin to heal.

Wrongful Death Compensation

A sudden and wrongful death not only comes with a high emotions and stress but also unforeseen financial burdens, which can add stress to an already complex situation and delay much needed peace and healing for loved ones. Wrongful death compensation can cover many expenses, providing financial relief to struggling families and loved ones. Damages recoverable in a civil wrongful death lawsuit for medical negligence include:

Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Lawyer

Sadly, Philadelphia records many medical malpractice wrongful deaths each and every year. Unsanitary conditions, negligent medical professionals, and outright wrong and harmful actions by others inflict pain and suffering (and even death) upon patients who sought healing and care. Philadelphia wrongful death victims and their loved ones deserve justice, and as part of that justice, they should be fairly compensated for their massive losses. If someone you know died as the result of negligent medical care and you suspect malpractice, contact the Philadelphia wrongful death lawyers of Lopez McHugh LLP to discuss your case at no charge. Strict time limitations apply to your potential claims, so do not delay in contacting a lawyer for help.

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