Lopez McHugh

Heart Attack Misdiagnosis

Heart Attack Misdiagnosis or Failure to Diagnose

Much like a stroke, a heart attack requires immediate medical attention. Heart attacks often happen when blood clots suddenly form on top of plaque and obstruct the flow of blood to the heart. More than a million Americans have heart attacks annually. Heart attacks are also known as myocardial infarctions – “myo” meaning muscle, “cardial” meaning heart, and “infarction” meaning the death of tissue due to lack of blood flow. Heart tissue death can cause long-lasting damage to your heart muscle, which is why immediate, appropriate treatment is critical. Heart attacks don’t always come with the usual symptoms of chest pain and tightening of the left arm, which can be why they are often left undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

What Causes a Heart Attack?

There are a variety of ways in which a heart attack can be caused. One common cause is coronary artery disease. Your heart requires a constant supply of oxygen-rich blood to function properly and maintain muscle tissue. The coronary arteries supply the heart with blood, but if the patient has coronary artery disease, their arteries may become narrow, keeping blood from reaching the heart as it should. When the blood supply is blocked, a heart attack occurs.

Another common way blood flow to the heart can be blocked – which causes a heart attack – is through the formation of plaque deposits in your arteries. Plaque deposits are composed of fats, calcium, proteins, and other cells that build up and create a hard shell. If a plaque deposit ruptures, blood platelets will come to the area and form a blood clot around the plaque. This can block the artery and prevent blood from providing oxygen to the heart.

While these are not the only causes, they are the most common. Spasms in the coronary artery are a less common heart attack cause. These spasms cause the artery to contract and can cut off the blood supply to the heart muscle quickly. It can happen even at rest and/or if you do not have coronary artery disease.

What are the Symptoms of a Heart Attack?

Patients who are having a heart attack can experience a wide array of symptoms. Some patients will experience many symptoms, and others will only experience a few.

Some of the most common symptoms of a heart attack include:

And these are just the standard symptoms. Some patients experience none of these symptoms when having a heart attack, a condition called silent ischemia.

Heart Attacks in Women

In women, often heart attacks are misdiagnosed. The symptoms they experience have been attributed to acid reflux, normal signs of aging, or the flu. Knowing the signs of a heart attack in females can save your life or someone else’s.

Call 911 if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

Heart Attacks are Common and Should be Diagnosed with Proper Care

One-fifth of deaths in the United States are attributed to heart conditions such as heart attacks. Sadly, heart attacks are very common, but often medical professionals overlook key signs that could be crucial if a person is actively having a heart attack. If a heart attack is misdiagnosed, it can end tragically, in death, or in life-altering damage. By applying proper standards of care, doctors can avoid this.

What Happens if a Heart Attack is Misdiagnosed?

If a heart attack is misdiagnosed, the consequences can be life-altering, fatal at worst. A misdiagnosis can lead to the following injuries:

Filing a Lawsuit if a Heart Attack is Misdiagnosed

Medical professionals are held to a stringent standard of care for their patients. So, if the standard of care was not met for you or your loved one, the doctor or the medical team caring for you could be responsible for the damages resulting from the misdiagnosis.

Recovering financial compensation for your damages following a misdiagnosed heart attack will depend upon various factors, including how your life was impacted. Listed below are some of the common damages that you or your loved one may be entitled:

Medical malpractice lawsuits often lead to an insurance settlement. The amounts can range from a few thousand dollars to multi-million-dollar settlements. The level of liability and how severe the damages are will determine the amount of the offer.

Treatment for a Heart Attack

There are lifesaving treatments available for heart attacks. Listed below are some of the factors considered when determining the appropriate way to treat a heart attack:

Typically, an angiogram will be performed to get information about blood flow to the heart and to determine how the heart is functioning. Some of the treatments the patient might receive are as follows:

If your heart attack was not diagnosed properly, you inevitably missed out on effective and timely medical treatment. The medical malpractice attorneys with Lopez McHugh, LLP have experience investigating misdiagnosed heart attacks and proving when a medical team’s actions fell short, and the treatment that should have been administered was not.

Hospital Liability

When a person with chest pain arrives at the hospital, the staff is required to investigate to determine if they are having a heart attack. Improper diagnosis could mean the patient will be left suffering from life-long issues or could even die.

The staff at the hospital should ask the correct questions and administer appropriate testing to rule out a heart attack. If this is not done, they could be liable because of their negligence.

In an effort to avoid misdiagnoses, hospitals should be well-staffed, should pay close attention to patients’ symptoms and their medical histories, be well-versed in the signs of a heart attack, and not violate the legally required standards of care.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Heart Attacks?

Many patients come to the ER each year with the symptoms above but are sent home without the proper diagnosis. This especially includes women who don’t present with typical heart attack symptoms and those considered too young to have this type of adverse health event. Heart attacks can only be diagnosed with special tests like an EKG, heart imaging, blood work, or a thorough exam by a cardiologist. If a heart attack goes misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, it is likely to occur again, and the consequences can be severe for patients. They can suffer permanent heart damage, brain damage, and even death.

The tests a doctor orders will be critical to properly diagnosing a heart attack:

If a doctor chooses not to run one of these tests, they could be putting their patient at risk by failing to review all applicable information available to diagnose a heart attack properly.

Philadelphia Heart Attack Misdiagnosis Attorneys

Having a heart attack is a very scary and stressful experience. You have to put your faith in the doctor treating you. If you or someone you know in the Philadelphia area had a heart attack and was not timely diagnosed, you have legal options. The Philadelphia heart attack misdiagnosis attorneys at Lopez McHugh LLP can explain your legal options and pursue compensation on your behalf. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

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