Lopez McHugh

What is Anoxic Brain Injury

anoxic brain injury

Every cell in our body needs oxygen to survive, and when there is no oxygen supply, that cell, organ, or body dies. The death of cells in the brain prevents electrochemical impulses, interfering with neurotransmitters that transmit messages in the brain that regulate bodily functions and influence behavior. This type of damage is referred to as anoxic brain injury.

You can better understand the devastating effects of anoxic brain injury resulting from a birth injury, misdiagnosis, or medical malpractice by speaking with a Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyer. Diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation are essential for individuals who suffer from anoxic brain injuries.

Understanding Anoxic Brain Injury

An anoxic brain injury results from a complete loss of oxygen to the brain, causing cell death after approximately four minutes of oxygen deprivation. Anoxic brain injury is not the result of direct damage to the brain, but the loss of oxygen, usually preceded by a significant health event or severe incident. There are four types of anoxia:

The Causes of Anoxia

A total loss of oxygen to the brain can result from a health or physical event. It is imperative to receive immediate medical attention. Improper treatment by a doctor can also exacerbate a brain injury caused by anoxia.

Examples of health and physical events leading to anoxic brain injury are:

Symptoms of Anoxic Brain Injury

Anoxic brain injury can have both cognitive and physical effects on the body. Anoxia is usually preceded by unconsciousness or a coma. If the person regains consciousness, a wide range of symptoms may be present that resemble head trauma injuries. Symptoms depend on the amount of tissue damage in the brain and the part of the brain suffering the injury.

Cognitive Effects

Physical Effects

Treating Anoxic Brain Injury

Pinpointing the cause of the injury is always the priority, allowing doctors to prevent further damage. The longer the person is unconscious, the greater the chance brain death occurs. Once stabilization has occurred with proper treatment, the rehabilitation process can begin.

Treatment paths may vary greatly depending on the symptoms and challenges of the individual. No two individuals will experience the same symptoms of a brain injury. Rehabilitation and treatment options will vary depending on the severity and what brain areas were affected by the loss of oxygen.

Rehabilitation therapies can last for months and even years to restore a maximum level of function to the individual. Four types of treatment can improve the daily life of someone with a brain injury:


It can be challenging to project the recovery someone will make from an anoxic brain injury. Unfortunately, a full recovery is rare in severe cases, while people with mild injuries may recover fully.

Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Injuries can happen so fast it is difficult to comprehend their outcome in our lives. While some injuries are unavoidable, some of the most devastating injuries are caused by the negligence of the medical professionals we trust to care for our health. Recovery from an anoxic brain injury does not happen overnight, changing the course of our lives and those around us.

The Philadelphia brain injury lawyers at Lopez McHugh LLP can compassionately walk you through your options for legal action. Our ability to guide you in challenging decisions is the first step in a recovery plan that can benefit your entire family. Contact us today to learn how we can help you and your loved ones.

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