Ischemic Strokes and Hemorrhagic Strokes
When you or a loved one has a stroke, it can be a terrifying experience that could cause permanent physical and mental damage. Because more than 800,000 strokes occur in the United States each year, its important to understand what a stroke is and what causes one. A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain off is cut off, causing brain cells to be deprived of oxygen which can lead to their death. There are two types of strokes, ischemic and hemorrhagic, and while oxygen deprivation to the brain causes both types, they have very different causes.
How To Select A Nursing Home For Your Loved One
If someone you love can no longer safely live on their own, the thought of placing them in a nursing home might be frightening. Residents at nursing homes are particularly vulnerable to elder abuse because they do not have an advocate around all the time to look after their well-being. Because of this, it’s important to know how best to select a nursing home to prevent your loved one from becoming a victim of elder abuse.
Suing Multiple Parties for Medical Malpractice
Because of the large number of liability issues that are often a part of medical malpractice cases, as well as their complexity, it is not unusual for there to be multiple parties involved with them. The circumstances surrounding the injuries will often determine which parties are responsible. For example, if an injury occurred because of a surgeon’s negligence, but a nurse who was charged with monitoring the patient failed to do so, it’s possible that both may be held liable for the injuries, depending on the circumstances.
What is a Healthcare Provider’s Duty of Care?
In a medical malpractice case, the injured patient must first establish that a healthcare provider owed him or her a legal duty of care. All healthcare providers, whether they are physicians, nurses, therapists, etc., owe a duty of care to the patient.