CMS Cracks Down On Hospital-Acquired Conditions
Although people rely on hospitals to provide them with medical attention, hospitals actually pose unique risks to patients. While some risks are unavoidable, hospitals are expected to provide a certain standard of care that protects patients from hospital-acquired conditions. Unfortunately, not all hospitals uphold the appropriate standard of care; but the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is helping protect patients from hospital-acquired conditions with a new incentive program.
Assisted Living vs. Nursing Homes
When a loved one is no longer able to live on their own, families might consider a variety of living arrangements. Because the elderly are vulnerable to several types of abuse, it’s important for families to choose to the best living arrangements for their elderly family members and loved ones. Two of the most common living arrangements are assisted living facilities and nursing homes, but to decide if either one of these is right for your loved one, you need to understand how they are different.
Causes of Blood Clots
On average, more than 250 people die from blood clots everyday. This is astonishing considering the proper medical treatment can greatly reduce the risk of developing blood clots. However, it is estimated that no more than one in every four patients recognize the signs and symptoms of blood clots.
Act FAST To Identify A Stroke
Strokes are one of the most deadly and often misdiagnosed conditions. Without the proper medical treatment, an individual suffering from a stroke could suffer from permanent brain damage or even death. Because more than 800,000 strokes occur in the United States each year, it’s important to know what a stroke is and how you can spot it.
Alternative Birth Regulations in Pennsylvania
Over the past decade, more women have chosen natural out-of-hospital birth options with midwives rather than traditional hospital obstetrical treatment and medications. While every woman has the right to give birth how she chooses, it’s important to understand what requirements all midwives are expected to meet to ensure safe deliveries.