Hospital negligence
Nurses Fight For Better Hospital Conditions
Nurses make some of the best patient advocates because they work so closely with both patients and doctors. Often acting as a go between, nurses see the health and safety violations that present immediate dangers to patients and work with doctors and other hospital staff to remedy them. Unfortunately, nurses around the country are struggling to provide safe conditions as hospitals cut corners to save money.
The issue is growing so out of hand that the Michigan Nurses Association has actually filed a lawsuit against a hospital. The nurses believe a Detroit hospital has dangerously low staffing levels. Seven nurses who work at the hospital are also plaintiffs in the lawsuit. According to the nurses, a total of 240 notices of unsafe practices and conditions caused by understaffing were submitted to hospital management in the past year.
The lawsuit explains unsafe conditions include unattended patients, falls, late administration of medications, and nurses working 12 hours without breaks. The hospital was so understaffed that nurses also submitted reports of patients “sitting in urine and feces” because there was no one available to bathe them. The hospital ignored all of the safety notices and stated staffing levels are well within the industry standard.
Widespread Understaffing
Understaffing is an issue for hospitals all across the country. Patient health advocates are struggling to get hospitals to change for the better. Regardless of a hospital’s policies and procedures, a patient has the right to a certain standard of care. When these standards are not being met, whether from understaffing or other reasons, patients have a right to speak out and seek justice.
If you or a loved on is in a hospital receiving a below average standard of care, try discussing your concerns with a nurse. Nurses are usually more readily available than doctors, so they can address your concerns more quickly. However, if this does not help resolve the issue, you need to immediately contact an attorney. Just one moment of negligence could cause permanent or life threatening injuries, so do not wait until it’s too late.
Philadelphia Hospital Negligence Lawyers
If you have received substandard care in a Philadelphia hospital, you should immediately contact Lopez McHugh LLP today. We understand the tactics hospitals use to minimize liability, and we know how to pursue your claim. You may feel scared to speak out against a doctor or hospital, but we can put your mind at ease. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.