Why Do Wrongful Amputations Occur?
Doctors go through rigorous medical training so they can provide the best standard of care for their patients. While most doctors uphold this standard of care, there are instances when doctors commit grievous mistakes. While the planned loss of a limb is already a devastating event, it can be made much worse if the loss…
Patient Mix-Up Causes Medical Malpractice Death
Because all surgical procedures carry some amount of risk, many patients have a natural anxiety about going under the knife. Fortunately, advances in medical technology and training have made most operations incredibly safe; however, there is one type of medical risk hospitals around the country still struggle with – human error. This was the case for a Michigan woman who was the victim of a patient mix-up causing her medical malpractice death.
Woman’s Ovaries Accidentally Removed During Surgery
A woman’s life was changed forever due to a surgical error. The patient was scheduled to have a hysterectomy to remove her uterus and a bladder repair after suffering from severe stomach cramps. It was not until the weeks following the procedure that she learned her fallopian tubes and ovaries were removed in addition to…
Man Wins Lawsuit After 57-Inch Wire Left In Body After Surgery
Most patients would be shocked to find out surgeons leave foreign objects behind in their bodies after a procedure. As patients, we are conditioned to believe we will receive the best medical care from our doctors; however, having an object left inside a patient after a medical procedure happens far more often than people realize….
Jury Trial For Patient Who Had Sponge Left In Her Body After Surgery
Having surgery is scary on its own. A patient is told of the potential risks, however slight they may be. Patients feel safer when they put themselves in the hands of educated, experienced professionals trusted to minimize these risks. They expect to be in better health after the procedure than they were before the surgery….