How a 2023 Supreme Court Ruling Helps Victims of Nursing Home Abuse
In June of 2023, the United States Supreme Court ruled on Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County et al. v. Talevski. The basis of this case was the quality of care provided in nursing homes and whether the Federal Nursing Home Reform Act (FNHRA) allows for a right to sue that can be enforced….
Nursing Home Understaffing
When our loved ones move into nursing homes or long-term care facilities, it is because they need assistance living their lives. Therefore, families should be able to trust that their loved ones will be checked on routinely. Unfortunately for many, not all care facilities are created equal and not all staff members do their jobs.
The Dangers of The Flu and Other Viruses in Hospitals and Nursing Homes
The flu is a fairly common sickness that affects countless people each year. As each flu season approaches, it seems we are inundated with ads reminding us to get a flu shot and to be aware of those who may be sick with the flu. During this time of year, we also see recommendations to…
Nursing Home Wandering and Elopement
Nursing home residents face a variety of dangers. Residents suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia, and/or other mental illnesses need around-the-clock care to ensure they are being taken care of. For patients in cognitive decline, their confusion can sometimes cause them to roam around the facility or even leave the facility, exposing them to numerous dangers. When…
Types of Nursing Home Abuse: What You Need to Know and Warning Signs
The later years of an elderly person’s life are a time when they deserve kindness, respect, and quality care. But sometimes our elderly loved ones instead face abuse and neglect by caretakers. Dementia patients are especially vulnerable to nursing home abuse because the disease can prevent them from reporting or even recognizing the abuse. A…