Lopez McHugh

Five of the Most Commonly Misdiagnosed Neurological Conditions

Misdiagnosed Neurological Conditions

Neurology misdiagnosis lawyer

Although we trust doctors to help us stay healthy and get well, physicians sometimes make mistakes. It is estimated that diagnostic errors affect nearly 12 million adults in the U.S. each year. While some mistakes have few consequences or could be considered minor, others severely affect the health and wellbeing of patients. This is particularly true for patients displaying neurological symptoms. Neurological conditions are often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are incredibly common and can be attributed to multiple conditions; however, with the proper medical examination and scans, a doctor can correctly diagnose a patient’s medical issue. Unfortunately, some doctors are not always as careful as they should be, and this can lead to a misdiagnosis. Neurological disorders often require fast treatment to prevent further damage to the body. A misdiagnosis, and subsequent incorrect treatment, can make a neurological condition much worse and even kill someone.

The most commonly misdiagnosed neurological conditions include:

Neurological conditions are not the only misdiagnosed health concerns. Many doctors have trouble accurately diagnosing other diseases and conditions that require rapid and efficient treatment. Other commonly misdiagnosed conditions include:

The best way for doctors to avoid a misdiagnosis is to collect a detailed patient history, perform a thorough physical and neurological exam, and utilize appropriate medical tests and scans. Failing to do so could cause significant harm to the patient or even death.

Philadelphia Attorneys for Misdiagnosed Neurological Conditions

If you or someone you know was a victim of a misdiagnosed neurological condition or failure to diagnose in Pennsylvania, contact the experienced medical malpractice attorneys at Lopez McHugh LLP as soon as possible for a confidential and free consultation. Our attorneys will explain your legal rights and pursue compensation on your behalf for your injuries and other damages.


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