
  • Suing Multiple Parties for Medical Malpractice

    Suing Multiple Parties for Medical Malpractice

    Because of the large number of liability issues that are often a part of medical malpractice cases, as well as their complexity, it is not unusual for there to be multiple parties involved with them. The circumstances surrounding the injuries will often determine which parties are responsible. For example, if an injury occurred because of a surgeon’s negligence, but a nurse who was charged with monitoring the patient failed to do so, it’s possible that both may be held liable for the injuries, depending on the circumstances.

  • Duty of Care

    What is a Healthcare Provider’s Duty of Care?

    In a medical malpractice case, the injured patient must first establish that a healthcare provider owed him or her a legal duty of care. All healthcare providers, whether they are physicians, nurses, therapists, etc., owe a duty of care to the patient.

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